gerade die Supreme Commander Demo heruntergeladen.
Gefreut dass es ein Game wie Total Annihilation zu sein scheint.
Gewundert dass er Directx Dateien installiert.
Der Prozedureinsprungpunkt "getaddrinfo" wurde in der DLL "WS2_32.dll" nicht gefunden
Geflucht dass es schon wieder ein neues Game gibt das W2k nicht unterstützt.
Bischen was gelesen.
Was in die Richtung gehendes gefunde:
The CSMTPConnection class uses the CSocketAddr class which uses the function GetAddrInfo, which is not supported on Windows2000 (only XP/2003).
The version of platform SDK I was using incorrectly provides linkage to this function even when the target OS is 2000. When I installed the Platform SDK for 2003 the project fails to build for 2000.
I then had to include the following lines before the atl headers:
#include <winsock2>
#include <ws2tcpip>
#include <wspiapi>
#define GetAddrInfo WspiapiGetAddrInfo
#define FreeAddrInfo WspiapiFreeAddrInfo
nix versteh
scheint ja irgendwas mit dem Netzwerk zu tun zu haben getaddrinfo function was added to the Ws2_32.dll on Windows XP and later. If you want to execute an application using this function on earlier versions of Windows (Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows Me/98/95), then you need to include the Ws2tcpip.h file and also include the Wspiapi.h file. When the Wspiapi.h include file is added, the getaddrinfo function is defined to the WspiapiGetAddrInfo inline function in the Wspiapi.h file. At runtime, the WspiapiGetAddrInfo function is implemented in such a way that if the Ws2_32.dll or the Wship6.dll (the file containing getaddrinfo in the IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000) does not include getaddrinfo, then a version of getaddrinfo is implemented inline based on code in the Wspiapi.h header file. This inline code will be used on older Windows platforms that do not natively support the getaddrinfo function.
The IPv6 protocol is supported on Windows 2000 when the IPv6 Technology Preview for Windows 2000 is installed. Otherwise getaddrinfo support on versions of Windows earlier than Windows XP is limited to handling IPv4 name resolution.
Nochwas gefunden: gibts wohl Workarounds ich peil aber nicht wie.
Irgendeine Idee?